Kindle Store Canada

It can be so frustrating. I know. I’ve been there before when I first heard about Kindle. And just like you, I also searched Kindle store Canada from the local outlets and How can it possibly be so difficult to own one?

I am a bookworm like you and I love the e-Ink technology. With the use of other devices with LCD screen, I had to stop reading every 30 minutes to rest my eyes. Otherwise, I’ll have a headache for the rest of the day.

I am also fascinated about its text-to-speech features, 2-months battery life and the ability to download and purchase an eBook anywhere and anytime (I usually download eBooks at 2 AM when I can’t fall asleep).

I normally carry books and personal documents when I travel. With Kindle, I can have all of them in I single device that weighs around 8 ounces only.

Kindle is perfect for me and I didn’t stop at anything to own one.

Finally, after calling their customer service, I found my Kindle store Canada. It’s actually available from Amazon International store. You can’t purchase it from You can find a few local stores selling Kindle but the price is a bit unreasonable.

From Amazon’s International Store, you can use your Canadian credit card and receive it directly on your doorstep. You’ll get it at its original cost plus custom duty taxes and shipping cost. If you find anything wrong, you can return it to them without questions asked and documents required. That’s the kind of transaction that you can get if you purchase your Kindle directly to Amazon International Store.

Let me just inform you ahead that not all Kindle versions are available in Canada. Currently, the following versions are the only ones that will work here.

1. Kindle Keyboard 3G
2. Kindle DX
3. Kindle Touch
4. New Kindle Wi-Fi

Difference with Wi-Fi and 3G Connection

When you purchase and download eBooks from the Amazon website using Kindle, you need to connect to the Internet with the use of Wi-Fi or 3G signal. Wi-Fi is built on wireless Internet connection that you can access through your home router or Wi-Fi hotspots.

3G connectivity uses a cellphone signal which means that you can connect to the Internet anywhere without paying for anything. Amazon pays for your 3G connection.

When you go to Amazon International store, consider adding a Kindle cover to protect it from minor impacts and scratches. When you own a Kindle, it will be one of the most used items in your bag and a cover comes in real handy.

I purchased aMarware Kindle cover together with Kindle Touch and I have been very happy with both of them.

You can also check other accessories such as e-Illuminator if you are like me who wants to read at night. Some e-Illuminator doesn’t need a separate battery. Its power is drawn from Kindle once you attach it.

Check out Amazon International Store here for more information about Kindle and accessories. For information Please Check Kindle in Canada.

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